RSA 中根据 (N, e, d) 求 (p, q)

January 7, 2017 • Read: 7433 • CTF

湖湘杯有一道题是知道 $(N, e, d)$ 求 $(p, q)$,当时用了 $ e\cdot d - 1 = h \cdot \varphi (n) $ 这个公式,爆破 $h$,考虑 $ \varphi (n) $ 与 $ N $ 相差不大,可以认为位数相同,求出 $ \varphi (n) $ 之后再根据 $ N = p\cdot q $ 和 $ \varphi(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) $ 联立一个方程。

$$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} N & = pq \\ \varphi(n) & = (p-1)(q-1)\\ \end{aligned} \right. \Rightarrow N - \varphi(n) + 1 = p + q $$


$$ X^2 - (N - \varphi(n) + 1)X + N = (X - p)(X - q) $$

根据求根公式即可解出 $ p $ 和 $ q $。

# coding=utf-8
import gmpy2

def cal_bit(num):
    return len(bin(num)) - 2

d = 5
e = 88447120342035329077203801890175181441227843548712394915405983098804986074228491993716303861346713336901472423214577098721961679062412555594462454080858396158886857405021364693424253936899868042331165487633709535319154171592544118785565876198853503758641178366299573880796663815089204345025378660387680199869
n = 0x009d70ebf2737cb43a7e0ef17b6ce467ab9a116efedbecf1ead94c83e5a082811009100708d690c43c3297b787426b926568a109894f1c48257fc826321177058418e595d16aed5b358d61069150cea832cc7f2df884548f92801606dd3357c39a7ddc868ca8fa7d64d6b64a7395a3247c069112698a365a77761db6b97a2a03a5

k = e * d - 1

while k % 2 == 0:
    k /= 2
    if cal_bit(k) == cal_bit(n):
        print k

a = 1
b = (n - k + 1)
c = n
p = (b + gmpy2.iroot(b**2-4*a*c, 2)[0])/2
q = n / p
print int(p)
print q

之后看到有人发了 writeup,用了 Calculate primes p and q from private exponent (d), public exponent (e) and the modulus (n) 链接里的算法。

The steps involved are:

  1. Let $k = de – 1$. If $k$ is odd, then go to Step 4.
  2. Write $k$ as $k = 2^t \cdot r$, where $r$ is the largest odd integer dividing $k$, and $t\geq 1$. Or in simpler terms, divide $k$ repeatedly by $2$ until you reach an odd number.
  3. For $i = 1$ to $100$ do:

    1. Generate a random integer $g$ in the range [0, n−1].
    2. Let $y = g^r\bmod n$
    3. If $y = 1$ or $y = n – 1$, then go to Step 3.1 (i.e. repeat this loop).
    4. For $j = 1$ to $t – 1$ do:

      1. Let $x = y^2 \bmod n$
      2. If $x = 1$, go to (outer) Step 5.
      3. If $x = n – 1$, go to Step 3.1.
      4. Let $y = x$.
    5. Let $x = y^2 \bmod n$
    6. If $x = 1$, go to (outer) Step 5.
    7. Continue
  4. Output “prime factors not found” and stop.
  5. Let $p = GCD(y – 1, n)$ and let $q = n/p$
  6. Output $(p, q)$ as the prime factors.

原 writeup 里的代码是基于 sage 库的,而且有点看脸,没好好处理结果,改写了一个纯 Python 的。

# coding=utf-8
import random
import libnum

d = 5
e = 88447120342035329077203801890175181441227843548712394915405983098804986074228491993716303861346713336901472423214577098721961679062412555594462454080858396158886857405021364693424253936899868042331165487633709535319154171592544118785565876198853503758641178366299573880796663815089204345025378660387680199869
n = 0x009d70ebf2737cb43a7e0ef17b6ce467ab9a116efedbecf1ead94c83e5a082811009100708d690c43c3297b787426b926568a109894f1c48257fc826321177058418e595d16aed5b358d61069150cea832cc7f2df884548f92801606dd3357c39a7ddc868ca8fa7d64d6b64a7395a3247c069112698a365a77761db6b97a2a03a5

k = e * d - 1

r = k
t = 0
while True:
    r = r / 2
    t += 1
    if r % 2 == 1:

success = False

for i in range(1, 101):
    g = random.randint(0, n)
    y = pow(g, r, n)
    if y == 1 or y == n - 1:

    for j in range(1, t):
        x = pow(y, 2, n)
        if x == 1:
            success = True
        elif x == n - 1:
            y = x

    if success:

if success:
    p = libnum.gcd(y - 1, n)
    q = n / p
    print 'P: ' + '%s' % p
    print 'Q: ' + '%s' % q
    print 'Cannot compute P and Q'
Last Modified: February 26, 2017
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